Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Check Your Local Wood Burning Bans

Warming Trends is located here in Denver, Colorado and I just saw an article reminding residents that wood burning fire pits are still banned in Denver. This reminded me to remind you to always check your local wood burning fire restrictions. Usually these can by found on a local fire department website as well as your local city website.

There are several reasons to abandon the use of wood burning fire pits altogether.

Firstly, the health risk involved. Wood burning fire pits emit harmful smoke that travels into neighbors yards and even homes. This is unsafe for those who suffer from asthma and other breathing conditions.

Second, wood burning shoots hot embers and ash into the air which can lead to a fire danger especially on a windy day and in dry conditions.

Third, you must monitor a wood burning fire pit at all times, even after you think you have put the fire out. The ashes and embers remain hot well after you have extinguished the fire and this can lead to injury and fire danger if it remains unsupervised.

Finally, wood smoke is harmful for the environment.

Liquid propane and natural gas fire pits remain legal in most cities and counties and are a safer and healthier alternative to wood burning pits. They are easy to control, you can turn them on and off with a flip of a switch. They do not emit harmful smoke, embers and ash into the air and into neighboring homes. And you can control the height of the desired flame you want where with wood burning fire pits, you can lose control of flame height in a hurry.

So when you are ready to ban your own wood burning fire pit from your backyard and invest in a clean burning Warming Trends Crossfire Burning System in your custom fire pit, please visit us online or call today! 1-877-556-5255.


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